
Ex Works Shipping - China Manufacturers, Suppliers, Factory

QH logistics is an freight forwarding from China ,China and PORT KLAND are the main places of origin, the Far East is the main shipping route, and the United States and Canada are the main destinations.,Signed contracts with many shipping companies,, such as COSCO MATSON EMC OOCL YML ZIM ONE CMA WHL,etc. Senior members of the cross-border logistics sector, including senior executives from traditional logistics, cross-border logistics, and cross-border IT firms, make up the founding team of the business. LCL to AMAZON XLX1, LCL to AMAZON LGB8, LCL to AMAZON LGB9, LCL to AMAZON ONT8, LCL to AMAZON SBD1, LCL to AMAZON SBD2, LCL to AMAZON SCK3, LCL to AMAZON OAK3, LCL to AMAZON SMF7, LCL to AMAZON SMF3, LCL to AMAZON SCK4, LCL to AMAZON LAS1, LCL to AMAZON GYR3. Ex Works Shipping, LCL to SMF1, FOB Shipping forwarding, FCL from China to ABE4,LCL To ONT9. As the most senior cross-border logistics freight forwarder in China, we pay great attention to customer experience and hope to provide more value for our customers, and have made a lot of efforts in information technology, such as the introduction of big data analysis into the logistics system, logging into our system to view the logistics report statistics, including SKU cost analysis, time efficiency analysis, to help you analyze your own SKU more intuitively through big data, which SKU logistics costs are the lowest, higher profits, which shipping company has the fastest shipping time, to which FBA warehouse is the most cost-effective, and so on, saving a lot of manpower to do analysis. FCL from China to AMAZON ONT9, FCL from China to AMAZON OLM1, FCL from China to AMAZON SJC7, FCL from China to AMAZON RIC1, FCL from China to AMAZON ACY2, FCL from China to AMAZON MCE1, FCL from China to AMAZON TEB4, FCL from China to AMAZON FAT2, FCL from China to AMAZON LGB6, FCL from China to AMAZON TEB3, FCL from China to AMAZON ABE8, FCL from China to AMAZON ABE9, FCL from China to AMAZON HGR2.

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